Congratulations! ​ You will likely have to wait until your second trimester before you see a midwife (other than booking in) or having a scan, but these first weeks are important.
Did you know that by the time you get that positive pregnancy test result your baby has been developing for around 2 weeks already?
Did you know that your stress can have an impact on the wellbeing of your pregnancy and developing baby?
It's time you heard about the impacts of stress (that's the stress you as a mum are feeling) during pregnancy...
From the moment the baby’s brain stem connects in the womb (around 9 weeks) your babies senses will start to come alive:
They can HEAR – sounds, voice tones and music
They can SEE – colour permeating through the womb
They can SMELL – through the amniotic fluid
They can TASTE – what you have eaten through the amniotic fluid
They can TOUCH – you will feel the elbow under your rib soon enough!
Although they won't have their first conscious sensory connections until the next trimester, everything is developing. In addition they can also feel the emotions you feel, and this forms the basis for their natural instincts they will use from the moment they are born. From that first moment, your baby will use their senses to be comforted and reassured through the sound of your voice and your smell, to feel secure by your touch and of course, to let you know when they are hungry or tired.
However, as well as feeling those happy endorphin hormones, your baby can also feel the not so happy ones, like cortisol (the stress hormone). Whilst small amounts help to form those natural instincts, larger or more continuous amounts can have a detrimental effect on your baby in the womb, especially during the last trimester on your baby’s brain development.
Therefore, as early as possible, you need to be aware of stress and and how to combat the risks.
You can read the science bits here
Our campaign is not to scare or worry you, it is to raise awareness and empower you!
Modern day life is full of stress, we all feel the impacts of it and know it can be damaging to our health. However, no one tells you the impact that this stress can have on your pregnancy or your developing baby.
Now you are aware of the risks of stress during pregnancy, you can do something about it. Take some time to look at every aspect of your life and assess where your stress comes from, it could be:
financial, etc
Every day stress is hard enough on us and our bodies, and when we are pregnant our bodies are under even more stress as it is creating a completely new human being. Your heart has to work harder, you body will be giving everything the developing foetus needs and leaving you with the leftovers, so taking care of yourself is an absolute must.
Now is the time to ensure you have an effective and restful sleep routine as this is a great start to reducing your cortisol levels - the modern day menace to pregnancy. To help you ensure your first step to a better pregnancy experience, we have created a Sleep Tracker in the download section. Add your email address below to access.
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