Kadamey Books
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Our latest published book on Amazon
Chromatic Gardening
What if you could understand how a child is feeling in a given moment by watching the “colour” within the garden they gravitate to? Would you believe you can naturally nurture children’s wellbeing and development simply through your choice of colour with planting in a garden? Beyond childhood, what if as an adult you can use your garden to support your career? Or nurture your artistic qualities? What about if your garden could be medicine, food, therapy, support life-long learning as well as help you navigate relationships?
The ability to achieve all of this would be pretty magical right? As you will learn through this book, it is possible and it is what Chromatic Gardening can do and more.
Modern Day Motherhood Magic Pregnancy Journal
Available on Amazon in paperback and hardback. CLICK HERE for links to oils, more information and to buy.
A Year of Modern Day Life Magic
Available on Amazon in paperrback. For more information, FREE downloads and to buy CLICK HERE
The Discovery of Magic
Available on Amazon in paperrback. For more information, FREE downloads and to buy CLICK HERE